UNSTUCK was informed by responses to a question that Makini posed to repertory students at Drexel University and Swarthmore College: “What if there were only this moment… forever?” The question prompted the creation of a dance work at each institution, as well as idiosynCrazy productions’ own explorations of the topic. To begin, each of the performers wrote narratives in response to the above question. From there, idiosynCrazy productions circulated a survey to people of the Millennial generation (born between 1980 and 1998) that posed questions about identity, image, classification, allegiance, and how relevant these things are when the notion of time/era is shifted. From the entire pool of respondents, five Millennials were selected to be interviewed further on these topics. Text from the interviews is heard throughout the piece. The modular qualities found in the voices of the interviewees were used to create the sound for UNSTUCK. The movement from the videos of the interviews helped to inform the movement of the performers, whether set or improvised. This piece premiered in the 2010 Live Arts Festival.
Project Credits
directed and designed by Makini
movement and performance by Jeff Davis, Makini, Michele Tantoco, Shannon Murphy, and William Robinson
dramaturgy by Shannon Murphy
Creation Budget
What it takes to make it happen